AGS Paris, represented by Tony Weiss, Business Development Manager, participated in the 12th Rencontres de la Mobilité internationale (International Mobility Meeting), which took place on 11 June 2019 in Paris, France.
The Rencontres de la Mobilité internationale has been an annual reference event for Human Resources executives since 2008. Thirty speakers and more than 300 international HR decision-makers convened to talk, learn and stay informed on all topics related to mobility.
Plenary conferences
This year, two plenary conferences permitted outstanding personalities to share their vision on prospective topics. The first conference gave the floor to the writer, international reporter, diplomat and former war correspondent, Olivier Weber, and to Pierre Haski, president of Reporters Without Borders and presenter of the geopolitics mornings on France Inter radio. They spoke about political uncertainties, the rise of populism, the intensification of commercial tensions and the strain on migratory matters.
The second plenary conference was led by Bertrand Piccard, a visionary at the origin of Solar Impulse, the first zero-fuel aircraft with a perpetual autonomy. He has completed two round-the-world trips; one in a balloon and another in a solar plane. Bertrand is recognised by some of the most established institutions as an influent thought leader on the topics of progress and sustainability.
Thematic conferences
The day was also composed of four thematic sessions during which several topics were discussed including new forms of mobility and talent management and the impact of international mobility on the lives and careers of expatriates, amongst others.
Lastly, participants took part in workgroups and discussed various subjects including the international mobility within the Brexit perspective, legal news, mobility towards the Middle-East, and technology as a support to HR teams, amongst others.
Subjects as close as possible to professionals’ expectation
The increasing success of this meeting is mainly due to the way it is designed. The different themes are selected after a preliminary online survey conducted with more than 8,000 representatives of the HR discipline. Chosen topics thus meet professionals’ expectations.
In addition, the diversity and the number of speakers and participants insure the multiplicity of points of view and the richness of the discussions.