Fun Fact: Tokyo, the world’s largest city
Are you thinking of moving to Japan? The Japanese capital has held the record for the most populous city in the world for years. It is a city like no other!
Are you thinking of moving to Japan? The Japanese capital has held the record for the most populous city in the world for years. It is a city like no other!
Cheese lovers risking their lives for their favourite food is an ordinary sight in Gloucestershire, England.
The Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysées, Notre Dame, fashion, museums… Paris has a lot to offer. AGS is on hand to help you plan your move to the city of light, with its unrivaled panache.
Some traditions are more unusual than others. In Germany, the Richtfest ceremony safeguards building sites near completion with a bouquet or shrub.
Since 2017, the French Government has placed disability among the top priorities of its five-year term. Many non-profit organisations are taking action to assist people with disabilities. Among them, Handi Defis, a Guadeloupean organisation that supports the disabled and changes preconceptions by challenging stereotypes.
Guillaume Dehem was one of the first graduates to work for AGS in Africa as part of the VIE program, short for “Volontariat International en Entreprise” a French international internship programme. Since then, the AGS Ivory Coast manager has taken on many challenges on the continent.
Attention, tomato lovers. Every year, in the town of Buñol, near Valencia in Spain, residents and tourists engage in the largest tomato throwing battle in the world.
Guyana Ushuaia Panama off-roading adventure ends in France with a helping hand from AGS Nantes!